Solving climate crisis requires all of us together

We are grateful for all of our supporters that are helping us to achieve our goals. We have teamed up with PayPal so we can asure all of our donnors that their money are spent on solving the climate change. 

What are the money for in 2021

  • People
    We are spending little under €300k on people allowing them to give up their daily jobs in universities and business and concentrate on the ototeq project. Being at the beginning we are really paying living expenses well under the market price. We all are doing it for the impact not the paycheck.
  • Operations
    Another siginificant amount around €200k will be spen on the technology, the tank tests, CFD models and other important technological enhancements of the platforms and their grid. All this is to bring the first platform to life by end of the 2021.
  • Marketing
    We will also invest in to the marketing, promoting the solution, making people aware of the climate crisis and the solutions, not only the octoteq one but also all the others that are aimed to help human kind to become more reconnected to its future
  • Lobbying
    We work with several governmental organisations like European Commission and others to promote the issue and make sure that all the governments do their best to support their local initiatives to solve the crisis.

We are now looking to start operation, build first platform and with the supoort from European Commission and their Hrozion 2020 program to improve and scale up our solution. From the vision to the 125 working platforms in 2025 that will supply 10GW to the grid.

If you are looking to get your own platform or want to make large donation or even purhcase some equity fro our business please contact us on