we are developing

offshore renewable

energy platforms

solar, wind and wave power combined

we are developing

offshore renewable

energy platforms

solar, wind and wave

power combined

Climate crisis threatens life on Earth

Carbon dioxide, the largest contributor forcing climate change, is emitted in alarming amounts to the atmosphere every second globally, mainly by burning fossil fuels.

The energy industry requires radical, fast, just transformation on the scale to preserve the healthy balance of nature we are a part of.

Change is required

The transition from burning fossil fuels to unlimited renewable power generation is inevitable for a sustainable future.

We are shifting the energy industry

→ from fossil fuels to renewables
→ from land to ocean
→ from exploiting to embracing nature

Change is required

The transition from burning fossil fuels to unlimited renewable power generation is inevitable for a sustainable future.

We are shifting the energy industry

→ from fossil fuels to renewables
→ from land to ocean
→ from exploiting to embracing nature

Octoteq platforms utilize 3 renewable energy sources offshore in the unique modular integration that also allows implementing additional technologies supporting the environment, local needs and blue economy growth.


The intermittent character of renewable sources traditionally causes issues in the reliability of the energy provided. Implemented solar, wind and wave power generation systems to each platform of the field combined with the short-term and long-term storage systems help stabilize the energy output and make it available for the current demand.


We aim to bring clean energy with no excessive cost compared to traditional sources. The modular nature of platforms enables a more efficient construction process and easier transportation. Modern, low-environmental impact materials used in manufacturing and predictive smart maintenance systems in place also lower the costs or energy production.


Every Octoteq platform is adaptable to local conditions and needs. The possibility to connect additional technologies to the platforms such as CO2 scrubbing, water desalination, aquaculture, green hydrogen generation and others further improve the localized and decentralized positive impact for communities anywhere in the world.

Our 2025 goal

platforms built
per platform
delivered to the grid

Our 2025 goal

platforms built
per platform
delivered to the grid

Become a part of the solution

Join us on a green energy mission and help us develop the platforms.
Your donation to research and development is very much appreciated.

Let's build a sustainable future together!

